Add a "play" property to bend to control if they are played or not [DELETED] 5 • Jun 10, 2015 - 11:38 Type Functional Severity S5 - Suggestion Status active Project MuseScore Articulations such as mordent, or glissando lines, have a "Play" property so users can choose if they want to hear a rendition or not. Reply Comments Daniel Marchese • Jun 20, 2015 - 20:04 So would this mean that if "play" is turned off, the note(s) will be played as if the mordent/glissando didn't exist? Reply
Daniel Marchese • Jun 20, 2015 - 20:04 So would this mean that if "play" is turned off, the note(s) will be played as if the mordent/glissando didn't exist? Reply
So would this mean that if "play" is turned off, the note(s) will be played as if the mordent/glissando didn't exist?