changes not saved Muse Score 3

• Jan 17, 2025 - 23:50

I use OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (32-bit):, revision: 3224f34

I save all my files to Google Drive. I have created a dozen files in the last two weeks. I save, then export to PDF and save, then close the file/score. Some are one page, some are 4 pages. Thursday I decided to restart my computer (as I occasionally do). Friday morning, I went to edit a saved file and when opened, the file appeared to have less than half of the score available. Having looked over several recent scores, I cannot determine a pattern to what is or is not saved: sometimes the first lines, sometimes the lyrics are missing, sometimes the bass clef entries are missing.

I have checked the backup file (also saved on Google drive) as .mscbackup and the files have the same issue.

Is there any way to fix this error? Or will I have to re-set all the work for the last two weeks?

Also, each time I open the files/scores now it asks me if I want to save changes even when I have made no changes. This is new behavior to my MuseScore program.

Attachment Size
Theophany Kontakion.pdf 22.67 KB
unsaved file.jpg 281.15 KB
Theophany Kontakion.mscz 18.16 KB


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