Slides for orchestral stringed instruments now completely unusable: Playback is acting like full-on gliss between previous notes instead of respecting rests, as well as merging other notes together!
Musescore Version / OS info (copied directly from 'About'): OS: Windows 11 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.4-243461245, revision: 2232670
Playback for sliding into or out of a note for violin/viola/cello/etc. orchestral stringed instruments (NOT gliss, but rather the "slide in below" and "slide out down" options, which is what I'm using here) have always sounded pretty bad when they even do play back, and often cause the note to not even be played back at all; however, today when I went to use them there's some new bug that has caused them to just become completely unusable: The "slide in below" is completely ignoring any rests before it and just acting like one long gliss from the previous note (while also adding in other weird sounds, as if it's sliding from an even lower note?), even occasionally overwriting the sound of the previous note entirely. The slides are also way too long (as in the 'slide out down' example in the attached score).
I was able to make it finally sound correct going in to the note by using a 'grace note bend' from the guitar palette instead; however, if I do that, then at the very end of the note the bend is attached to, you'll hear the lower note it slid from again almost like an unwritten grace note back down, which is NOT how this score needs to sound. :(
(And yes, I know I could just highlight the slides and uncheck "Play," which would then have them just sound like unembellished notes; but that kind of defeats the purpose of having example audio... :\ )
Steps to repeat the issue: Make a score for an orchestral stringed instrument (in this case violin), and then add a "slide in below" to a note when there are notes and/or rests written before it.
Attachment | Size |
messed-up-slides.mscz | 27.55 KB |
...Is this the right place to report this bug, or do I need to put it on github or something?
In reply to ...Is this the right place… by ran_dom
The forums are the place to start discussion about problems. Often things can be corrected without a report. I tried your score the day you posted it. The same thing happened. I was hopping someone else would post. But, no.
I'm not totally sure slide in and out are supposed to work on violins. Might be more of a guitar or brass thing. I did notice that the ties and long notes were a problem. Did you try shorter notes?
In reply to The forums are the place to… by bobjp
Thanks for your response!
Well regardless they should work on violins 😅, because there are plenty of modern songs for orchestral strings that include them (and they're actually quite extensively used in Irish fiddle {violin} music, too)... 😅 I have used that same slide notation in MuseScore for violin before (with shorter notes, yes), but it's never glitched this badly before, and the song I'm currently transcribing (of which I had excerpted the relevant parts for the attached example file) requires those long tied notes, so making those shorter is a no-go this time regardless. :\
I just don't understand why the playback is so mangled this time, especially it now just acting like gliss and ignoring rests...?
In reply to Thanks for your response!… by ran_dom
I notice that on my system when I change to Muse sounds strings, none of those articulations work. I probably never worried about it before because I don't really use those articulations and I don't use Basic sounds.
That doesn't help you, I know. I know some of these things are being work on, but I don't know how far along they are. To enter an issue report, you will need a GitHub account. Then you can see if this has been reported.
In reply to I notice that on my system… by bobjp
Okay, I'll try to do that then. Thanks!