Text font semibold even when not supposed to be semibold
I tried to set the lyrics and text parts of a score to the open source Libertinus font, to match the typefaceof a booklet I'm working on. I'm using the latest Libertinus release, 7.051, OTF.
I found that Musescore, while recognising Libertinus Serif and Libertinus Serif semibold as different fonts, still uses the semibold, even when no bold is selected in the Style options.
I realized this when looking at the embedded fonts in the exported PDF.
Am I doing anything wrong? Is this a font specific issue? With TrueType fonts like Calibri I have no problems.
OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.2-242570931, revision: 3130f97
hello. Have you changed the font using the style settings or using the options tab?
Changes made via the options tab have a higher priority than style changes. Therefore, previously made changes via the options tab are not overridden by the style settings. I hope I explained it clearly.
Try changing the font on the options tab (in musescore 3 it was called inspector)