Nachtrag: Das Startverhalten ist mit dem letzten Update deutlich besser geworden. Der Start dauerte vorher 10 bis 20 Sekunden. Ich hatte das geschrieben.
p.s. the scores won´t get opend in Version 3. This my usual way. I installed Version 1, 2 und 3.. Uncompatible files can be opend with the old Version. Sometimes i can see the problems and eliminate them.
"Hebt an" and "Hört auf ihn Tauflied" stem from MuseScore 4.2,1, so yes, they won't open in older versions. But they opens just fine in 4.4.1
"Hoerst du nicht Chor" stems from 4.1.1, otherwise same as above
Dear Mr. Schmitz, as the rollout of new MuseScore Studio 4.4.x introduced so many issues and instability, I would feel free to suggest You consider creating MuseScore version 4.3 named MuseScore 4 "DEvolution" similarly to the Evolution mentioned above.
That would for sure save nerves to many of us.
Update to 4.4.1
Share the scores that won't open
In reply to Update to 4.4.1 Share the… by Jojo-Schmitz
Here are some of them. I think, the scores were writen in 2023 und 2024.
In reply to Here are some of them. I… by Tapio.K
Nachtrag: Das Startverhalten ist mit dem letzten Update deutlich besser geworden. Der Start dauerte vorher 10 bis 20 Sekunden. Ich hatte das geschrieben.
In reply to Nachtrag: Das Startverhalten… by Tapio.K
p.s. the scores won´t get opend in Version 3. This my usual way. I installed Version 1, 2 und 3.. Uncompatible files can be opend with the old Version. Sometimes i can see the problems and eliminate them.
In reply to Here are some of them. I… by Tapio.K
"Hebt an" and "Hört auf ihn Tauflied" stem from MuseScore 4.2,1, so yes, they won't open in older versions. But they opens just fine in 4.4.1
"Hoerst du nicht Chor" stems from 4.1.1, otherwise same as above
All can get opened by my MuseScore 3.7 Evolution, so you may want to give that a try... see
Another hint, to be able to open newer 4.x scores in older 4.x versions: see Older versions of MuseScore 4 can't open scores from newer versions (of MuseScore 4)
In reply to "Hebt an" and "Hört auf ihn… by Jojo-Schmitz
In reply to "Hebt an" and "Hört auf ihn… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you so much for the link.
In reply to "Hebt an" and "Hört auf ihn… by Jojo-Schmitz
Dear Mr. Schmitz, as the rollout of new MuseScore Studio 4.4.x introduced so many issues and instability, I would feel free to suggest You consider creating MuseScore version 4.3 named MuseScore 4 "DEvolution" similarly to the Evolution mentioned above.
That would for sure save nerves to many of us.