Tied notes aren't tied when exporting to mp3
I'm trying to export mp3 of a choir score.
When exporting the whole score, it works as expected.
As I need to have a dedicated mp3 per voice (Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Bass), I tried the "Select parts to export = Alto", but the rendered mp3 gives Alto and Alto in the same mp3.
As found on MuseScore forum, I tried a second way:
I select all the notes (ctrl-a) and uncheck the "Play" property. Then I select one note from Alto > right-click > select > More + Same Staff + Same Voice.
Check the "Play" property.
When exporting it, only the expected voice is played. But all tied notes ... are not tied any more.
When playing the score with this setup, the notes are also untied.
Am I missing something ? Is it a bug ?
I attach a testTiedNotes.mscz as a demo.
Best regards,
I'm running MuseScore 4.4.1 AppImage
Those in top staff voice 2 apparently are slurs, not ties, at least after removing and re-adding them they do sound as ties, before as slurs (i.e not at all)
In reply to Those in top staff voice 2… by Jojo-Schmitz
This sounds surprising. I added the notes for each voice in the same way: with the c key (or g, e, c) for the very first of each, and then with the t key for the tied notes.
Playing it as is gave the correct tied notes. But if you mute all voices except one, the tied notes will be played untied.
In reply to This sounds surprising. I… by Samuel Bancal
I guess that's a case for an issue in GitHub
In reply to I guess that's a case for an… by Jojo-Schmitz
Reported here https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/24574