add this "feature"
here is what i want
- connect to the internet
- open musescore, and make a new score. the title should be "MSC0", and should be in C major, with a time signature of 5/4, with only 1 measure, and with only a flute
- enable note input, then press the c key five times, then disable note input
- right click on the first note, and click "style"
- then immediately press cancel without changing anything, and try to save the file
- that should open in your default web browser
that should be implemented in musescore 4.4.0 or 4.4.1
And that is helpful because…?
In reply to And that is helpful because…? by mikey12045
its not supposed to be a FEATURE
its suppposed to be an EGG
You can already get there with less clicks from the download page.
In reply to You can already get there… by bobjp
its not supposed to be a FEATURE
its suppposed to be an EGG