Dragging from Palettes doesn't work if screen scaling is active
0) Acquire a HiDPI monitor (strictly speaking this is optional)
1) Install a GNOME-based linux distribution (Arch or Ubuntu should do)
2) In Settings -> Displays, set the "Scale" parameter to 200%
3) Install the latest version of Musescore (I tested this on version 3.5.1 revision daa5fb7)
4) Open any score. Hit F9 to open the Palettes sidebar if it wasn't already visible. Expand a palette, and try to drag any object that's hidden under "More" to your score.
What I expect to happen
When I start dragging the object, I expect it to follow my mouse cursor until I release the mouse button. When I release it in my score, I expect it to get attached to the note, rest or bar that's nearest to my mouse cursor.
What actually happens
The "More" part of the palette instantly closes, and now I'm clicking whatever was underneath it.