Crash on swap with clipboard isotopicdecay • May 31, 2020 - 17:08 Reported version 3.4 Type Performance Frequency Many Severity S3 - Major Reproducibility Always Status needs info Regression No Workaround No Project MuseScore 1) Select a group of notes 2) Copy them 3) Select another group of notes 4) Attempt to swap with clipboard Reply Comments Marc Sabatella • May 31, 2020 - 18:11 Status active ⇒ needs info I can't reproduce, it is probably unique the specific group of notes you are selecting, could be the result of a corruption in the score. Please attach a sample score and tell us exactly what you are selecting in both steps. Reply
Marc Sabatella • May 31, 2020 - 18:11 Status active ⇒ needs info I can't reproduce, it is probably unique the specific group of notes you are selecting, could be the result of a corruption in the score. Please attach a sample score and tell us exactly what you are selecting in both steps. Reply
I can't reproduce, it is probably unique the specific group of notes you are selecting, could be the result of a corruption in the score. Please attach a sample score and tell us exactly what you are selecting in both steps.